Friday, October 30, 2009

Copy and Paste

This is the most hilarious blog post I've seen in ages. I'm afraid I'm a geek for laughing at it so much though. Eeeek.

Monday, October 19, 2009

You've Got Mail

I got such a surprise in the post this morning. There was two letters from my bank, nothing new there then. But there was a small white envelope with my name and address hand written on it. Hmmm. I threw the bank letters to one side and ripped open the little white envelope.

There was a page inside, torn from a spiral notebook and folded in three. Oooh it was a letter. Not only was it a letter but it was a letter from an actual person! I unfolded it and started to read. Took me a while to figure out what it was about and the person sending it had made a mistake and signed my name to the end of the letter so that really confused me. At first I thought it might have been someone with the same name as me trying to form a secret society of all people with the same name. Buy alas, it was not. Ha.

It was from a girl that I went to college with. We remain extremely good friends several years after graduating. She has never been the most computer minded person in the world so she was never and will never be on Facebook or the likes. Anyhow she just wanted to let me know that she had lost her phone and had gotten a new number and would like me to give her a call or text with my number.

It wasn't very exciting but it was, in a way. I started to think. I had never received a hand written letter from a friend before. Nor had I ever received a letter from any friend. Such a strange thing. I never thought before that I had grew up in such a high tech age but thinking back, I had a phone at 15/16 and computer from an even earlier age. Now of course, I didn't have bebo, facebook or twitter when I was growing up but still it just felt very odd to have never received a letter like that before.

But it was such fun. Now get writing and get to the post office!

Oh and I would write back to my friend but I don't have her address......says it all really!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Wanderer Returns

I is back!

Had a great time in England. Spent a day or two in London. Loved it. Spent what little money I had on clothes on Oxford Street but man did it feel good! Went to a place called Watton-At-Stone and went on a little hike across the fields and walkways on Sunday. It was lovely scenery and very relaxing. Then I went to Cambridge on Monday. Now that was a treat.

I have never in all my life seen so many bicycles in the one place before. As you know, Cambridge is a University town. It has several Universities which make up the city. Most of the buildings in the town itself are owned by the various Universities and are then leased out to tenants and companies which just adds to the millions of pounds that the Universities make each year! However, it's a town of such beauty. Lovely old buildings and a lively place with loads of hustle and bustle. Students, workers and just normal people all cycle around the town as its a mostly flat area.

Now I am going to post some of the best pictures that I took for you to enjoy!

Roof of Claires Church, Cambridge

Punting on the river at the rear of Kings College, Camrbidge

Court yard at rear of Kings College, Cambridge

Church at Kings College

Church at Kings College

Church at Kings College


Trinity Street, Cambridge

Trinity Street, Cambridge

Trinity Street, Cambridge





Woodbury Hall, Watton-At-Stone

Woodbury Hall, Watton-At-Stone


Big Ben, London

London Eye

Hyde Park, London

Marble Arch, London

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Winding Up Big Ben

I'm off for a little while folks. Heading over to the ever lovely London. Haven't been there in a good few years and a fantastic opportunity came my way this morning which I couldn't refuse! What would that be I hear you ask? Well it's none other than a FREE trip to London for me, me, me! I'm so excited.

Will have loads to blog about when I get back, hopefully!