Sunday, February 14, 2010

Not Enough Hours In The Day

Hola Amigo's! Thing's have been pretty quiet around here of late. January was a complete whirlwind of turmoil for me and the month just flew by. I returned to my voluntary job after the Christmas break and all was well with the world. I loved that job. Loved the people. Loved the work. Loved the organisation. Love the public sector. But alas, my time there was up!

I was at home one day early January and I received an email completely out of the blue. It was from a HR guy in a company asking me if I would be interested in a position with the company. I was a bit dubious about the email as I hadn't applied for a job there and I was far too inexperienced to be head hunted. After a while I replied with an updated copy of my CV and I received a phone call from the HR Business Partner inviting me to interview the following day. I thought nothing of it as I have had several interview over the past few years and nothing has come of them.

Off I trotted to the interview and it all went very well. It felt very relaxed and more of an informal chat really. A week passed and I was called to a second interview. At that second interview I was offered the job. Sure I was delighted to have finally found a paying job. They agreed to pay the salary I had previously had in my old job.

So I left the public sector, rather upset by that fact, and joined the private sector. I now work for a construction company and it's going well so far. The working week is rather long and the hours aren't particularly nice but the experience will be good. And the public sector said they'll take me back when they are allowed to recruit again so woo for that.

Now I just have to live with the fear of going to work one morning and being told I have to go to one of the foreign sites for a few weeks. Eek. Would not be a fan of that now but what can ya do?

Unfortunately this new job means I now have less time on my hands as I am trying to squeeze in having a life after work as well as working a 39 hour week minimum. So the blog has had to suffer. Not that it was all that great to begin with! Ha! But I will try my best to keep it up dated. I promise.

In the mean time, please have a look at this blog post about St. Valentine. It's wonderfully written and you'll learn something you probably didn't know before.


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